The online surveillance system and archive of tobacco
products and tobacco industry marketing materials.
Starting with Passport in Canada, several manufacturers have promoted cigarettes that produce less visible sidestream smoke through the use of various paper additives. Vantage Excel (RJR, 1989) was one such attempt. As with the perfumed and incense-burning brands, these take a cosmetic, public relations approach to a public health problem.
Real (RJR, 1975). "Nothing Artificial Added". The motif is also found in Nat Sherman's cigarettes and in American Spirit. The latter are sold in health food stores.
  • "I like Ike" and "Stevenson for President", 1952
  • "Let's back Jack", 1960
  • "I want to make it perfectly clear I'm for Nixon", 1972
  • Bush for President, 1988
  • Gorbatchow, 1990


  • Paxton (Philip Morris) packaged for Presidential yacht Sequoia (1970s)
  • L&M (Ligget Group) packaged for Presidential retreat at Camp David (late-1980s)