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Brand: American Spirit

Year: 2010

Special Populations-LGBT

Ad from Natural American Spirit in promotion of the brand's Perique blend, featuring an image of the black package, and the Perique blend in "natural" style in grey packaging.

Text: "Aged in oak whiskey barrels. A few dozen acres. That's all the farmland in the world dedicated to Perique tobacco. But, that's not the only reason it's so sought after. A yearlong curing process in oak whiskey barrels creates the rich, robust taste that makes Perique unlike anything else. Perique Blend. It's not for everyone. But then, that's the point."

Ad found in:
The Advocate - October 2010;
Playboy - October 2010;
Car and Driver 2010 - November 2010;
Field & Stream - November 2010.

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