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Brand: Philip Morris

Year: 2006

Cessation Aids
Industry Public Relations

Ad from Philip Morris' Quit Assist program. Features close up of an individual who has quit smoking: "Randy, smoke-free for 13 months." Text of ad: If you decide to quit smoking, this is a good place to start. Quitting smoking is a very personal experience. There's no one way that works for everyone. The more you know about how to quit, the better your chances for success. QuitAssist is an information resource that provides easy access to a wealth of expert information from public health authorities and others to help you find your own path to success. Quitting smoking is hard, but millions of people have gone before you and succeeded. QuitAssist. Your link to quitting websites, guides, programs, quitlines, what has worked for others, and more. Online at or call 1-888-784-7848 to get a free copy of the 48-page QuitAssist Resource Guide." This is one of a series of similar ads (with differing models) from Philip Morris.

 Ad found in:

Car and Driver: June 2006

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