Pall Mall
Coupon - Discount Direct Mail
Direct mail from Pall Mall promoting the brand as the practical one to buy in the face of rising taxes in New Jersey. Piece consists of a letter to a NJ resident and coupons. Text: "You may have heard recently that New Jersey's excise taxes are going up. THis means you'll pay 35 cents more every time you buy a pack of cigarettes. Now more than ever, you'll appreciate everything Filtered PALL MALL has to offer. You know it burns slower and lasts longer than other major brands because it's packed tight with quality tobacco. It's proven - we're not just blowing smoke. Use the attached coupons as a "tax rebate" on your upcoming purchases of Filtered Pall Mall. You can't change the excise tax, but you can smoke a cigarette that gives you more."
Coupons included: one free pack coupon, two $.35off per pack coupons, and 1 $3.50off one carton coupon.
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